What is body therapy?

The fundament

The fundament in body therapy is, that our body and our mental health are connected. The body is always the starting point in a treatment, because tensions, pain and injuries in the body are affecting our mental health and quality of life.

A well renowned method

As the first and only one in Switzerland, I offer body therapy based on the well renowned system, Manuvision. Manuvision is a vast growing and popular method from Denmark. Among many other people Manuvision has helped: The Danish National Handball Team when they won the world cup, world class bicycle teams like Phonak, CSC, and SaxoBank, and not least the former danish prime minister as a regular client. Manuvision has also spread across the world in countries like: Sweden, Norway, England, Spain, Canada, USA, and Australia.


In a treatment we use: massage, acupressure, trigger points, optimal breathing, lymphatic drainage, liberation of joints, and pulsation of the body.

It is not only massage

In body therapy we make use of a wide range of techniques. We touch, talk, pulsate, press, and move the body to let go of thoughts, to let feelings flow, and to find stillness and clarity.

A Body and Breath session can be soft and quite and it can be full of power and emotion. The range is wide and no treatments are the same. Neither from time to time; nor from person to person. This is because the focus in the treatment is on you and whatever is currently affecting your body and quality of life.


The aim in a treatment is:

  • To relieve and remove your pain by loosening up your unpleasant tensions and blockages.

  • To make your body’s energy flow freely.

  • To balance the nervous system.

  • To address mental challenges by allowing feelings and reactions.

  • To prevent injuries and strengthen your body through stretch and massage of your muscles, joints, and fascia.


A Body and Breath treatment includes:

  1. A short conversation about you and your possible challenges

  2. A treatment on the massage table

  3. A short rounding up, possibly with an individual exercise

A treatment can help you with many physical and mental issues such as:




  • Headache

  • Migraine

  • Neck pain

  • Pain in shoulders

  • Stomach pain

  • Digestive problems

  • Back pain

  • Pain in the lower back

  • Bad sleep and sleeplessness

During a therapy session I will work with both the symptoms and the causes of your symptoms.



  • Stress

  • Worries

  • Anxiety

  • Circling thoughts

  • Unrest

  • Discouragement

  • Tension

  • Burnout

  • Depression

If you have other symptoms or challenges, you are welcome to contact me to hear, if a body-therapy treatment can help you.

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